Congregational Care Ministries
At St. John in the Wilderness, we take care of each other when our fellow parishioners experience difficult times. We serve each other in a number of ways, from bringing Eucharist to those who cannot leave their homes, to making meals for those who could use a "culinary hug," to hosting funeral receptions. Read on to learn more about how you can serve.

Visitor Ministry
At St. John, we know that there will be times in your life when you cannot make it to church due to medical issues or the realities of aging. At such times pastoral visits, calls, or cards may be meaningful. We also receive great joy in bringing church to you through our Eucharistic Visitors who are sent out from church on Sunday mornings with the Body and Blood of Christ to nourish you and keep you connected to this fellowship of faith. If you would like to learn more about being a Eucharistic Visitor or a pastoral caregiver, or if you know of a parishioner who may be in need of such ministry, please contact Stephen and Patricia Askew, Priest Associates, for more info.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is the responsibility of every member of St. John in the Wilderness. We strive to care for others who are in need and we allow others to care for us during our times of triumph or trial. The clergy have a special role in this larger ministry as ones who make hospital visits, offer support to people in crisis, minister to the dying and the grieving, and more. Contact the office or one of our priests for confidential pastoral support. Examples of pastoral needs include:
Discovering you are pregnant and when delivering your baby.
A medical or developmental issue with your children or grandchildren.
Being in the hospital, receiving a difficult diagnosis, or preparing for treatment.
The death or decline of a loved one.
A need to discuss past moments of blessing or trauma.
Struggles in your relationship to your spouse or children.
Issues of addiction or other mental health struggles.

Funeral Reception Committee
One of the most meaningful ministries at St. John is the Funeral Reception Committee. Three rotating teams take turns providing a lovely reception in the Parish Hall for the family of a deceased parishioner. Each team serves about three times a year, depending on the number of funerals held. People who serve on these teams can choose how they wish to participate:
1) provide some finger food (sandwiches, baked goods, fruit, etc.)
2) serve at the reception
3) do both, or
4) serve as a substitute when not enough regular team members are available.
Being part of this ministry is a great way to get to know other people in the Parish, and it is a very gratifying way to serve a family mourning the loss of a loved one. Email the Parish Office if you are interested in joining this ministry.
Meal Ministry
From time to time, St. John in the Wilderness clergy identify parish members whose spirits would be lifted by a home-cooked meal. We call them "culinary hugs." These are usually people returning home from a hospital stay or facing a stressful or discouraging situation. An email is sent out to ministry members telling of the need, and members who are available for that particular situation respond via “Reply All” so the coordinator can assign the meal to one of them or to several if the need is for more than one meal. Email the Parish Office if you are interested in joining this ministry.

Needlework Ministry
Meets the 4th Thursday of the month at 10am in the Library
The Needlework Ministry (NWM) crafts an assortment of items, from prayer shawls and small blankets to hats and mittens – all knitted, crocheted, or quilted. The works of our hands are given to parish members, their families and friends, and various charities in Henderson County. This ministry can take as much or as little time as you have to give. All skill levels are welcome, from beginners to experienced needlers! You do not have to meet with the group to be part of it.