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Episcopal Church Women

Episcopal Church Women (ECW) is a national organization that provides opportunities for the women of our parish to gather for worship, fellowship, and outreach support. All women of the parish are considered members and are welcome to attend all Board meetings and events. 


The ECW at St. John in the Wilderness has been a part of the parish story since 1949. Below, you can learn more about the history of the ECW and our current ECW's initiatives and ministries. 


Want to learn more about how you can get involved with the ECW? 

ECW History in
Flat Rock

In 1949, a group of women in St. John's congregation decided to create "a guild or general women's committee with the objective of stimulating all of the women of the Church in its care and upkeep..."

Times-News May Market 1982.jpg

Make a Difference Fund

The Make a Difference (MAD) Fund, created in 2007, provides monetary support to family and community support agencies in the Hendersonville area. Since 2010, it the Fund has granted...

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Cakeless Bake Sale

Since 1996, the ECW has held a "Cakeless Bake Sale" to benefit charities in Henderson County. Each year, the ECW rallies the parishioners to contribute to this unique fundraiser with an original poem...


Bundt Cake

Books for Good

Since 2016, Books for Good has been a huge source of income to the MAD Fund. Books, CDs, and DVDs are collected in the box in the Wilderness Room hallway and transported to the Books for Good storefront, where they are sold to benefit the ECW.

Books for Good Box.jpg

Today's ECW

The ECW operates as a coalition of committees, each headed by a chair. Meetings are held as needed to plan events and ensure coordination between committees. Numerous events are planned throughout the year to foster...

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United Thank Offering

United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through UTO, individuals are invited to embrace and deepen a personal daily spiritual discipline of gratitude.


Project Dignity

In 2021, the ECW began supporting Project Dignity of WNC, an organization that provides feminine hygiene products to people whose circumstances prevent them from accessing these important materials. Drop-off boxes are located...

Project Dignity Box.jpg

ECW History: 
The Bazaar

In the fall of 1973, several ECW members went to Asheville to observe a street fair sponsored by St. Mary's Church. They returned full of enthusiasm to gather the skills, talent, and interest...

Bazaar Poster No Date.PNG
St. John in the Wilderness logo



Church: 1895 Greenville Highway

Parish House/Offices: 1905 Greenville Highway

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 185

Flat Rock, NC 28731


Office Hours: 9:00am to 4:00pm

Monday through Friday

Fridays by appointment only


Church Hours (Open to the Public):

9:00am to 5:00pm

Tuesday through Saturday

Diocesan Seal
Episcopal Church logo
Anglican Communion logo - compass rose in shades of yellow and gold, with a bishop's mitre on the north compass point
Map of the Parish Complex, including parking lots.
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