Opportunities for Fellowship
Perhaps because our church was founded by Charlestonians who retreated to the mountains for fun and fellowship each summer, we love to spend time feasting and visiting with each other. Whether it’s the Feast of St. John (the last Sunday of June), an Episcopal Church Women’s retreat, our Fall Fellowship Festival, or our monthly parish breakfast (on the first Sunday of each month), you will be delighted to discover a life of joy and companionship as we follow Christ together.

The Chefs of St. John
On the first Sunday of each month, one of three rotating teams of men cook up a full breakfast that is served in the Parish Hall in between the two Sunday services, thus allowing parishioners from both services to come together for fellowship and a wonderful meal. It is a great way for men in the church to get to know each other, and the guys have a great time working together. Contact the Parish Office for information about joining the Chefs of St. John.
Readers in the Wilderness
Meets the first Friday of the month (except in January) at 10am in the Library
Think you might like to join a fun group of people in discussing a riveting read? Our lively discussions expose us to new ideas, differing viewpoints, and books that might not otherwise be on our reading list. In addition to discussing the book, we learn more about the author and pertinent background information. The meetings are informal and guided by a member of the group. Books are selected from recommendations by our members. Come when you can, even if you have not read the book!

Episcopal Church Women
All female members of St. John in the Wilderness are automatically members of the ECW. Our purpose is to grow spiritually and provide opportunities for knowing each other better while sponsoring activities such as family picnics, women’s retreats, Christmas parties for Head Start children, and spontaneous gatherings.
Young Family Ministry
The Young Family Ministry of St. John in the Wilderness exists to provide a space for families with children to interact, get to know each other, and grow in faith together. Group gatherings are usually on Friday evenings, about once a month. Contact the Parish Office if you would like to be added to the group. The Young Family Ministry also coordinates events such as the annual Easter Egg Hunt in the Rector's Garden, Advent wreath making, and more.