The Heart of St. John
At St. John, we believe that the surest indicator of the health of a faith community is the importance it places on showing the love of Christ to those who need it most. Outreach is a priority, and as such this church has included a significant portion of its annual operating budget, in addition to special offerings, fundraisers, projects and non-budgeted donations. When all sources are combined the amount given the various organizations and ministries, both at home and overseas has averaged around $75,000 in recent years.
Our Outreach Committee carefully selects local non-profit organizations in Henderson County and overseas organizations to assist. Local organizations supported in the past include Council on Aging, Camplify, Hendersonville Rescue Mission, Interfaith Assistance Ministry, Safelight, The Free Clinics, Children & Family Resource Center, the Backpack Program, and St. Gerard House. The overseas organizations are the Moldova World Children's Fund and Father Deravil's Haitian missions. Each entity is known personally by members of the committee, and their activity is monitored. We have effectively partnered with these recipients, and our goal is to be reliable long-term partners in ministry.
Under the guidance of our deacon, The Rev. Sandy Rex, we also give hands-on assistance to needy families, the Hendersonville Rescue Mission, the Adolescent Parenting Program, and various other causes as the need arises. The youth of our EYC actively raise money for assistance to needy families at Christmas, participate in the annual Relay For Life event promoting breast cancer awareness, and recently have begun to assist a new shelter for homeless teenagers in Henderson County.
Whether in Hendersonville, Haiti, Moldova or Edneyville, we do our best to love our neighbor as Christ loves us. Join us in this joyous work! Email the Parish Office to get involved.
March 2021
December 2021
March 2021