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Advent at St. John in the Wilderness

St. John in the Wilderness

First Sunday of Advent | December 3

Rite I Services

8:45 and 11:15am in the Church

Annual Meeting & Parish Breakfast

10:00-10:55am in the Parish Hall

**Angel Tree Deadline**

Second Sunday of Advent | December 10

Rite I Services

8:45 and 11:00am in the Church

Young Family Ministry:

Churchyard Spray Assembly

Thursday, December 14, 5:30-7:30pm in the Parish Hall

Each year, our children and youth gather to create sprays for decorating the graves of the people who were enslaved and freed by our church’s founders. We do this to honor the parishioners of the past whose humanities were not recognized during their lives. Dinner will be served; please RSVP using the button below.

Third Sunday of Advent | December 17

Rite I Services

8:45 and 11:00am in the Church

Laying of the Sprays

10:05-10:55am in the Churchyard

All are welcome to join in placing the sprays made by our children and youth to honor parishioners of the past.

**Christmas Flower Memorial Deadline**

Honor or remember a loved one with a poinsettia at the altar on Christmas Eve and Day. The suggested donation amount is $75. Place donations in the special Christmas flower envelopes, which can be found outside the Parish Office and in the Church at both entrances. Fill out the front of the envelope and return to the Parish Office by mail, in person, or through the Offertory by Sunday, December 17.

Fourth Sunday of Advent | December 24

Advent Lessons & Carols

10:00am in the Church

Click here to view Christmas festivities at St. John in the Wilderness!


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Church: 1895 Greenville Highway

Parish House/Offices: 1905 Greenville Highway

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 185

Flat Rock, NC 28731

Office Hours: 9:00am to 4:00pm

Monday through Friday

Fridays by appointment only

Church Hours (Open to the Public):

9:00am to 5:00pm

Tuesday through Saturday

Diocesan Seal
Episcopal Church logo
Anglican Communion logo - compass rose in shades of yellow and gold, with a bishop's mitre on the north compass point
Map of the Parish Complex, including parking lots.
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