A one-day thrift sale will be held on Saturday, September 24 at the Mission House on the campus of The Episcopal Church of St. John in the Wilderness (1905 Greenville Highway in Flat Rock). The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) will sponsor this event from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. All proceeds will go directly to local charities.
The Mission House, formerly known as the Shed, has been remodeled and refurbished in the past year, creating a pleasant ambience for shopping. It is located on the hillside overlooking the parish house and its parking lot.
Items for sale include gently used household and kitchen items, linens, garden supplies, tools, toys, and small pieces of furniture. Christmas and other holiday decorations will also be available.
“The Episcopal Church Women have several events so they can collect money to give
to the community. We donate to all local ministries which include men, women and
children. Some of the organizations we have helped include the Flat Rock Backpack
Program, Safelight, St. Gerard House, Interfaith Assistance Ministry, Project Dignity of
WNC and Children & Family Resource Center. We strive to help those who are in need
and are looking for a helping hand,” said co-chair Linda Giltner.
Purchases may be made with cash, check, or credit cards.