By God's grace, we have thrived and prospered. For nearly 200 years, St. John in the Wilderness has nourished the souls of our members and ministered outside our walls.
But the future of our parish depends upon you. Have you appropriately prepared for the unknowns the future might bring? Join us on Thursday, September 19, from 12:00 to 2:00pm in the Parish Hall for an opportunity to learn more about planning your legacy and how you can support our parish.
The Endowment Trustees invite you to a seminar on life planning and estate planning, presented by Caroline Knox, one of only a few board-certified specialists in elder law in North Carolina. She is with the Knox Law firm in Hendersonville. Ms. Knox will discuss elder care and how to incorporate charitable giving during one's life and through effective estate planning. Additional topics relating to charitable giving and tax planning may also be discussed. A light lunch will be served.
Please RSVP at the button below by Friday, September 13.
Questions? Contact Ned Curtis at 772-473-9147. We hope you will join us!