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Tuesday Night Gathering Returns This May

St. John in the Wilderness

Tuesday Night Gatherers: Now that spring has officially arrived, it’s time to mark your calendars for another seasonal highlight! Our first meeting of 2023 will be on May 9 at 5:30pm in the Wilderness Room.

We’re trying something new this year. Since the popular vote for this year’s topic was equally split between two interesting subjects, we’ll be doing both. The first half of our sessions will focus on “The Celtic World.” The second will cover “The American West: History, Myth, and Legacy.” In short, our hybrid topic is “Celts and Cowboys.”

For those not familiar with our format: we share a potluck dinner prior to watching a 30-minute Great Courses video from our selected course. We then have a short but lively discussion about what we’ve learned. The evening ends at 7:00pm. If you’re not acquainted with Great Courses offerings, you should know that lecturers are selected not just for their extensive knowledge but for the engaging way they present it. Our Tuesday Night Gathering is informative and fun, and the food is always terrific. If you’ve not been before, do give us a try.

Questions? Please call or email Polly Morrice, whose contact information can be found in the directory.


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Church: 1895 Greenville Highway

Parish House/Offices: 1905 Greenville Highway

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 185

Flat Rock, NC 28731

Office Hours: 9:00am to 4:00pm

Monday through Friday

Fridays by appointment only

Church Hours (Open to the Public):

9:00am to 5:00pm

Tuesday through Saturday

Diocesan Seal
Episcopal Church logo
Anglican Communion logo - compass rose in shades of yellow and gold, with a bishop's mitre on the north compass point
Map of the Parish Complex, including parking lots.
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