Sermons are recorded and uploaded here weekly. They are organized below by church season.
Click the music note button ( ) when listening to a sermon to see the sermon text.
Sermon texts that do not have accompanying audio are linked at the bottom of this page.

Sermons without Audio
Homily by The Rev. Patricia Tanzer Askew, 1-2-22
It's Too Dark in Here by The Rev. Josh Stephens, 1-16-22
Sermon by The Rev. Stephen Askew, 2-20-22
Sermon by Sr. Madeleine Mary, CSM, 3-6-22
Homily by The Rev. Patricia Tanzer Askew, 3-27-22
Sermon by The Rev. Stephen Askew, 4-24-22
Homily by The Rev. Patricia Tanzer Askew, 5-29-22
Pentecost Sermon by The Rev. Stephen Askew, 6-5-22
Sermon by The Rev. Dr. Robert MacSwain, 7-10-22
Sermon by The Rev. Robert MacSwain, 7-31-22
The Hospitality of God by The Rev. Josh Stephens, 8-28-22
Sermon by The Rev. Stephen Askew, 3-19-23
Prisoners of Hope: Remembering God's Future by The Rev. Josh Stephens, 7-9-23
Sermon by The Rev. Stephen Askew, 7-23-23
Who Will Separate Us from the Love of God? by The Rev. Patricia Tanzer Askew, 7-30-23
Sermon by the The Rev. Stephen Askew, 10-1-23
Feasting and Rejoicing by The Rev. Josh Stephens, 10-15-2023
All Saints' Sunday: A Celebration of the Church by The Rev. Josh Stephens, 11-5-23
The Third Sunday of Easter, Sermon by The Rev. Stephen Askew, 4-14-24
Hometown Prophesy, Sermon by The Rev. Ian Williams, 7-6-24
Homily by The Rev. Patricia Tanzer Askew, 7-28-24
Bad Picture Days, Sermon by The Rev. Ian Williams, 9-15-24
What Must I Do? Sermon by the Rev. Ian Williams, 10-13-24
God Re-Members, All Souls' Day Sermon by the Rev. Ian Williams, 11-2-24
What Does the Manger Hold for You? Sermon by the Rev. Ian Williams, 12-24-24
We Are Not Stepchildren of God, Sermon by the Rev. Josh Stephens, 12-25-24
Who Is this Baby? Sermon by the Rev. Deacon Sandy Rex, 12-29-24
Farewell Sermon by the Rev. Ian Williams, 1-26-25
Sermon by the Rev. Stephen Askew, 2-16-25